Saturday, May 3, 2008

loving the spring

and no I don't love spring for all the flowers, the nice weather, new life and all that, I love spring because of garage sales. And yes Bethany and I hit the mother of all garage sales this morning (thanks from a hot tip from Melanie). You know the kind, mounds and mounds of cute kid clothes, in all the sizes I needed, all for a quarter. Let us have a moment of silence.


Shaila Lou said...

Oh your last sentence cracked me up!! Who doesn't love a great deal!

melanie said...

Now I'm wondering if I missed the bag with clothes to fit Kat. Oh well, you happiness is my happiness when it comes to yard sales like that! I about died, $17 equals 68 items of laundry! But oh the deals. LOVE them. Now for the silence.

ashleyboice said...

lucky. There is almost nothing better.

Bethany said...

We really are kindred spirits in our love of good deals. Now you MUST post a picture of all your clothes! The people want to see them. It really was blissful wasn't it?

Laura Lei said...

When I come home...we're hitting the garage sales.

Krissy Lowe said...

How fun! There really is nothing better than a great deal.

Camille said...

Remember when the Polo outlet in Jackson was the source for our sought after clothes? I am all about garage sales too..... it is like a competition to see how good of stuff you can get for cheap.
Nothing tops a perfect find at a yard/garage sale!