Wednesday, October 8, 2008

for your viewing pleasure

Boy eating dirt. ps, why am I blogging when I should be picking out paint colors, stone, tile, carpet, and trim? pps, did i mention we're building a house?


tiff said...

you should be watching him more carefully.

Laura Lei said...

I have to say that I'm totally jealous. Even though...I know that building a house is sooo stressful, I love picking out paint colors, trim, etc. I only wish I was there to help and live vicariously through you.

AlliFinn said...

So cute! I love eating dirt! glad to see you back on the blog circuit!

jana said...

Cool I just found your blog and loved it. I love seeing everyone pictures and catching up with people and wasting my time on the internet. This way I can do it all at the same time. Cute cute cakes. How did you do those circles on the big pink present cake?

Camille said...

mmmmm. dirt.
How fun to pick everything out! Stressful, but fun. If memory serves correctly, you have good style. I always think of the Polo store in Jackson when I think of you and Sean.