Saturday, October 25, 2008


Yes, Everett's pillow will be wet tonight because all of his aunts and cousins forgot his birthday. (come to think of it I did to until someone reminded me this morning, but thats not the point) Yes, poor Everett, no dad, no cake and no presents (from me anyways, actually, he does have one very good aunt named Bethany who remembered his birthday and bought him two presents!) Ellen was nice to get him some cupcakes from Safeway so we at least could get some pictures and pretend that we had a party. so here are some "birthday party pictures" enjoy. (I know this is a wierd post, its kindof an thing we do in our family, forget each others birthdays and laugh about how the other one had to cry themselves to sleep, just another fun family tradition.)


Korbi said...

Happy Birthday Rett! :) It's good to have another boy in the group. ;)

Melissa B. said...

Poor Everett! Bea's was just about the same. At least we got pictures right? did I tell you I talked to Tiff for and 1 1/2 on her birthday and I never realized it until I read her blog! Oops. Jeanie is so excited about your Pudding Mold!

tiff said...

whoops!! Celeste and I were too busy going out to dinner with Ash and Cali to think about Everett.

Shaila Lou said...

Too funny!! I can't believe it's already been a year! This last year has just flown by for me! What a handsome little guy he is! Happy Birthday Everett!!

ckweller said...

whoops...I just realized I missed mom's birthday too, I haven't been checking blogs as religiously as I used to and yes I realize that is how pathetic I am I can't remember anything these days. Happy birthday Everett!

Celly said...

How would Tiff feel if I remembered Everett's birthday, but forgot hers? You need to feed that boy--his arms are sticks.

Bethany said...

At least he knows who is favorite aunt is. :)

the Jenks said...

Most hilarious story! At least he's not old enough to remember you forgot his birthday. Hadley was 5, I think, when I forgot her birthday. I woke up that morning and realized it. I wrote her a check and put it in a card. That's all she had to open that morning. She actually thought it was really exciting to go to the bank and cash the check. I'm definitely not eligible for mother of the year!